WiFi 7 is the latest generation of wireless technology that supports extremely high throughput, improved latency, and a larger number devices compared to previous generations of wireless technology.

A wireless channel frequency is the range of radio waves that is used in wireless networks to send and receive data between wireless access points and edge devices such as barcode scanners, laptops, iPad’s and mobile devices

WiFi 7 runs on the 6Ghz frequency and supports channels up to 320 MHz wide, which ultimately means more data can be transmitted over each channel. This is double the bandwidth of 5Ghz channels, which operate on 160 MHz channels.

Think of wireless channel bandwidth as a freeway with multiple lanes. When more lanes are added, more people can travel simultaneously down the same road. This is also the case for wireless channels, the wider the channel, the more data can traverse each channel. Wider wireless channels facilitate greater data transmission capacity.

MLO, Multi Link Operation is a new feature of WiFI 7 technology. Currently, every wireless generation prior to WiFi 7 connects devices on a single band on a fixed channel. With Multi Link Operation, each network device will combine multiple frequencies across several bands forming one connection, allowing each device to access more than one channel at a time.

Wi-Fi 7 plays a crucial role in advancing wireless networking by supporting a significant number of devices and supporting multiple bands across multiple concurrent frequencies.

In addition to channel bandwidth improvements, WiFi 7 supports speeds up to 40 Gbps, compared to WiFI 6E which has a maximum supported speed of around 9.6 Gbps.

This advancement assists users in streaming video calls without interference, making it particularly beneficial for large-scale environments such as expansive offices, football stadiums, and warehouses.

To learn more about implementing wireless solutions in your office or business environment, give us a call today at +1 (562) 592-1771 or email us at sales@nickologic.com.