Point to Point wireless provides connectivity using Line of Sight technology between two locations (This is used in many instances including between large buildings, remote areas where cable is not accessible) This is the equivalent of running an ethernet cable between two buildings, without having an actual cable but instead making the connection wirelessly.

Most standard wireless point to point solutions currently operate on 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies.
For point to point wireless solutions, many Internet Service Providers are switching from 5Ghz frequencies to 60Ghz frequencies to allow for faster throughput and reduce frequency noise.
WiGig uses millimeter wave technology, which means frequencies that operate at 24Ghz and above.
60Ghz networks are designed for low-interference and high-throughput capacity, as opposed to 5Ghz where noise levels are significantly higher due to many wireless access points and devices which currently use those channels.
Fixed Wireless devices can reach an approximate capacity of 1.9Gbps maximum and traverse a distance of up to 12km.
To learn more about fixed wireless solutions, email sales@nickologic.com or call us on +1 (562) 592-1771