A Network Vulnerability Scanner is a network scanning software tool that traverses across a computer network and assess for potential breaches of security components such as Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Scanning for network vulnerabilities is an integral part to keeping networks and operating systems secure.

A Network Vulnerability Scanner is able to detect vulnerabilities due to misconfigurations of network equipment, such as Routers, Printers, Firewalls, NAS devices, and internet connected devices.

Getting a Network Vulnerability scan is important to keeping your network secure as it unveils risks and network issues that may have gone unnoticed to your organization.

Aspects of Vulnerability Scanners:

Host Discovery: Allows the network devices to be discovered and check for open ports on each device

Basic Network scan: A simple, network device discovery scanner. Allows the network devices to be discovered and each device checked for vulnerabilities that may exist on the network. Allows unknown/foreign devices to be identified and removed from the network as necessary.

Malware scan: This scanner scans for malware on Windows and Unix based Systems.

Active Directory Scanner: This scanner checks for misconfigurations in the Microsoft Windows Active Directory server which could lead to potential vulnerabilities.

Print Nightmare: This scanner checks for the Windows Print Spool vulnerability.